

I don't agree with writer.
I think that there are not many Japanese shy a long time ago. Because, also when I studied abroad, my surrounding Japanese in particular was not introvert. Well, since he studies abroad, an introvert child may be not going to overseas.
And I think from a boy that the girl is more unyielding these days. It seems that therefore, there are many girls among the students of a university of foreign studies since there are also many positive girls.


About Japan Times

Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2008
Woman held for blocking probe into abuse of father

I cannot trust this suspect that abuses his parents. Moreover, its room is used as the garbage mansion. Therefore, the suspect has also made nearby residents trouble.
The incident which abuses its parents and child is increasing the present age.
I cannot understand the psychology which causes such trouble. However, the suspect will surely be hungry for something.


Yes, I have. I went to the Mexican restaurant with Korean friends in Canada.
I couldn't remember the menu which I ate the food. May be, I ate “Tacos”and
'Refried Beans '. That restaurant was very casual style. So we didn't care about any manners!


#4 Homework

1. Time is money.
Certainly. To earn money, I think that time, physical strength, and willpower are necessary.
According to circumstances, it can be said as wasting of it money to waste time.

2.A stitch in time saves nine.
This word strikes me deeply. I do an unpleasant thing to the extension ahead inadvertently.
However, it grows serious at the end if those problems are straightened.
The effort is accumulation of every day.
I want to straighten out that problem even little by little every day.

3.There's no time like the present.
This is an important word for me.
When this word is hit on for me who moves by intuition, it is the end.
It is stopped by nobody.
Say very much by whoever, I will begin to move.

4. Fashionable late.
It is a welcome proverb for me that it is a lot of immediately before late.
I think that it is not necessary to gather fit at time if it is things except work.
But except work!!!

#8 Homework

It is difficult to hold a large-scale wedding in Japan. However, the problem is not a scale. I think that it is important that those who sponsor it and the invited guest be satisfied.
My wedding has not been imagined. However, the ideal is to hold a small wedding only putting on a simple strapless dress, and privately if forced to say.
The reason why the dress is simple is that I like simple. The reason that was not a wedding large-scale was written up.
And I thought teacher's wedding was very wonderful.


About Superstitions

I don't think it's not important to talk about superstitions. Because I am groundless, I don't believe it.
So I cut my nails at midnight. But my parents don't like it. My mother frown when I cut my nails at night.


Homework #3

1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?

Sometimes I judge people. Because I think that the clothes shows liking, character,
their living standard. If someone wear fancy clothes. I may think that the person must like
vintage clothes. And someone always wear brand name-goods, I think that someone must
be rich or brand-conscious. Because The rich people can spend much money
for clothes because they well of.

2. Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing
when judging other people from another country?

I would feel funny If I were foreign. Because many young Japanese people dress up       
  anywhere, anytime. For example, I saw one young couple in the theme park.
She was wearing high heels so I gazed at her! Even Japanese,We sometimes feel
strange. `Japanese is strange.'

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?

I wear the clothes with black. I can calm down when I wear black clothes.
Particularly, I usually wear black clothes during the winter.